Social Mirroring

Empowered Self-Reflection and Vectoral Transformation
We tend to look in a mirror every time we want check out physical appearance. We also usually tend to wait for our exam results to see how well we performed. Why? Because, that also mirrors, to some degree, our current state of skills and capabilities within the subject of examination. We also often make our plans and put them in a calendar, which is another form of reflection that mirrors our use of time, in this case.
We live in a world of mirrors.
Not only outside, but also deep inside of us we each have a wonderful mirrorland.
We also look at other people to copy their style of living, speaking, and being. Our innate ability to compare has been playing an essential role in empowering such social mirroring. We tend to look at outstanding performers to gain more inspiration for improving our own lives. At the same time, we also notice those that are behind us to boost our self-esteem and focus our energy on moving on.
Social mirroring is one of the main drivers for igniting sustainable changes and social transformation. It is also well intertwined with the recent revelations around the transformation gene. How our genes in me are speaking to genes in you using their own language. Bypassing our rational minds that usually pretend to be the only knowers and deciders.
After all, this natural mirroring is very helpful for any desired vectoral transformation. We inherently know how changes can happen. We also have deeply rooted sense about the nature of transformation. So, the remaining piece for us is to unveil this wisdom and take an active lead in shiftifting everything for good.