Leading Artificial Intelligence

In this short YouTube video, performance experts Agnis Stibe and Satu Ahlman from Saga Performance discuss how artificial intelligence (AI), such as ChatGPT and Chat YouTube, can help leaders to be more efficient by providing quick and easy access to information. With these artificial intelligence (AI) tools, leaders can ask specific questions and get immediate answers, saving them time and resources. They can also use these tools to analyze data and improve decision-making processes. Additionally, the generated content can be helpful for creating high-quality reports, presentations, or blog posts quickly without having to spend much time on research.


ChatGPT and Chat YouTube can help leaders to stay up-to-date with the latest information and trends in their fields, enabling them to make more informed decisions and be more effective in their roles. Thus, leaders should be aware of how AI will impact the future of work, and here are some important things that leaders should know:

  1. AI will automate tasks: AI will automate tasks that are repetitive and mundane, freeing up employees to focus on more complex and creative tasks. This will increase efficiency and productivity.

  2. AI will improve decision-making: AI can analyze large amounts of data and extract valuable insights, enabling leaders to make more informed decisions faster.

  3. AI will enhance customer experiences: AI can be used to create personalized experiences for customers, improving customer satisfaction and loyalty.

  4. AI will eliminate some jobs: AI will eliminate some jobs that are repetitive or can be automated. Leaders need to be prepared to retrain and reskill employees, ensuring that they have the skills needed to thrive in a changing work environment.

  5. AI will create new jobs: AI will create new jobs that require skills in data analysis, programming, and machine learning. Leaders need to ensure that their employees have the skills necessary to take advantage of these opportunities.

  6. AI will require ethical considerations: Leaders need to ensure that AI is used ethically and that it does not violate privacy or other ethical principles.

Overall, leaders need to be aware of how AI will impact the future of work and be prepared to adapt to these changes. They need to invest in their employees' training and development, ensuring that they have the skills needed to thrive in a changing work environment. They also need to ensure that AI is used ethically and responsibly.

Credit: Chat YouTube



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